Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1
Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness - 1


Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness

92 Minuti

Il giovane Hopper è il figlio adottivo di Re Artù. Metà pollo e metà coniglio, è ossessionato dall'avventura ma la sua goffaggine gli gioca spesso dei brutti scherzi.

Cast & Crew

Director: Ben Stassen
Producer: Matthieu Zeller
Script: David Collard
Sound: Laure Bardou, Yves Renard


92 Minuti


Limite d'età


France, 2022
