Wissig-Hof: Sleeping in the straw - 1
Wissig-Hof: Sleeping in the straw - 1
Wissig-Hof: Sleeping in the straw - 1
Wissig-Hof: Sleeping in the straw - 1
Wissig-Hof: Sleeping in the straw - 1
Wissig-Hof: Sleeping in the straw - 1

Sleeping in the straw

Wissig-Hof: Sleeping in the straw

icon-meta-guests30 Guests
icon-meta-beds30 Beds

Our farmhouse overlooks Lake Uri and is situated at a sunny, peaceful spot on the “Swiss Path“. There is a breathtaking view over the lake and mountains. Our farm can easily be reached on foot, by bike or by car. Organic farming.

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Rafael & Beatrice Ziegler -Grüninger
Wissigstrasse 14
6377 Seelisberg
Icon Kontaktrafael.ziegler@bluewin.ch
Icon Kontakt0041 (0)79 777 03 76
Icon Kontakt 079 737 05 01

