2024 2401Boursemineraux
2024 2401Boursemineraux

Congress, Art & design, Economy, Knowledge, computer science & environment

Alpine Minerals Exchange Martigny [English]

Salle communale de Martigny, Martigny

After a successful first edition, the Salle de l'Eau-Vive in Martigny will be transformed into a mineral bourse from 05-06 Nov. 2022.

The communal hall of Martigny will host the 56th edition of the Alpine Minerals Exchange set up by the Alpine Minerals Association.

The event will host different exhibitors to share their knowledge, and passion for minerals. The public will have the opportunity to discover magnificent pieces, make acquisitions or exchange with the exhibitors present.

Adults: CHF 4.-
Children: CHF 1.-

More information on their website or by phone

Quartz with chlorite phantoms, Mt-Chemin, Valais/ photo © A. Pitteloud


24/8/2024   13:30 - 17:30 h
25/8/2024   10:00 - 17:00 h


Salle communale de Martigny
Salle du Vampire
Rue des Petits-Epineys 7
1920 Martigny


Société Bas-Valaisanne de minéraux et fossiles
Avenue Avenue de la Gare 6
1920 Martigny
+41 79 616 7337


  • Trade Exhibition
  • Congress: Earth Sciences / Geology
  • Natual sciences
  • Nature / Environment
  • Other Art

Target groups

  • Open to all

