Content feeds:
attractive content for your

Websites with attractive content belong to winners. However, the production and maintenance of content ads targeted at a specific demographic is expensive and simply not a viable option for most websites due to staffing and financial constraints. Thanks to our content feeds you can create an interesting and diverse offer, without even having an editorial staff.

Collect - standardise - enrich - deliver content

We are always observing the market, to know where suitable content is available. As your demand usually can't be met with a single content producer, we have legal agreements with various producers, we create interfaces, and we consolidate the various formats. We put a lot of emphasis on the processing of content, in order to meet the following quality standards:

  • Current
  • Free of duplicate ads
  • Categorised
  • Correct
  • Not offensive
  • Relevant
  • Complete in content / Everything has been filled in (Addresses, Contact information, geocoding, etc.)
  • Complete in coverage
Collect - standardise - enrich - deliver content
alternative text here
Do you have any questions?

Contact us. We are glad to explain your personal options to you.