Daily Morning Meditation Practice - 1

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Daily Morning Meditation Practice

Lambda Zen Temple, Glarus

The inhabitants of the Lambda Zen Temple want to share their practice with you. You are kindly invited for the daily meditation periods.

From Monday to Sunday, we will practice in the morning. We will serve tea and we will have one sitting meditation period (Zazen, about 45 minutes).

Our morning meditation time varies from week to week which will reflect in a regularly changed schedule. Being on a flexible schedule, we ask you to RSVP in advance so we can properly prepare. If there is no registration, we might just sit a little earlier or later.

Please come 15min before the official start time.

“Thou shalt! Thou shalt not!” is none of our business. We are politically and denominationally independent.

“What is meditation? True meditation; while everyone meditates without rest, standing, or sitting, it’s always together. If you don’t believe this; watch it carefully! What is talking now all this time?“
[Zen Master Myo-Vong]

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  06:30 - 07:30 Uhr


20.0 CHF per person



Lambda Zen Temple
Im Stützli 5
8750 Glarus


Zen Meditation


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